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Chew Kah Wee, Eve


+6016 924 0138

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Artisans' Atelier:
An Art Hub for Local Artists

As cruel as it is, artists tend to have lower income compared to other occupations, therefore many of these artists from different areas face significant challenges in finding suitable and affordable staying places. This lack of affordable, accessible, and communal spaces for artists has led to a fragmented arts community and limited opportunities for artistic growth and development. Additionally, the commercial art industry tends to prioritize international artists over local ones, further limiting the exposure of local talent. This project seeks to address these issues by creating a staying hub that could also be used as an exhibition space that showcases the unique and diverse artistic talent that Kuala Lumpur has to offer. The hub will provide affordable and sustainable living spaces, working studios, exhibition spaces, and community spaces for local artists to connect, collaborate and create. The hub will be located at Central Market that dates back to 1888 and used to be an open wet market for citizens and tin miners in KL.

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