Creative Workshop
Recreating, reproposing new products from unwanted materials collected from recycling centre such as textile wastes, additional spare parts, reusable raw material, spoiled products and accessories to regenerate their values. It aimed to initiate creativity and innovative mindset in community. It is a skill bartering space for additional hand-up skills in different categories to fulfill self-satisfaction and enhance dignity and confidence.
It is a platform for initiating self-survivability skills and exploring talents of low self-reliance groups by exposing to different hand-up experiences field. Exchanging in terms of techniques and knowledges boosts engagement among community and achieve community collective consensus.
Targeted to: Expates, urban poors, locals
Cultural Bazaar
Cultural Bazaar is a retail space to display the end products (art crafts, décorations, handmade souvenirs, textiles, etc) from different programmes such as repurposing workshop and creative workshop in order to generate incomes through booth rental. It acts as an intersecting space to showcase the efforts made from various populations that represent respective cultural values.
Retail space for showcasing cultural values (art crafts, decorations, handmade souvenirs). Income generated through stall or booth rental for small business market to sell handmade products, tools, utensils, second-hands and groceries.
Targeted to: Travellers, locals, expates, urban poors
Bartering Zone
Opened bartering space for family business programs and engagement between families from different populations, transformation of useless products into functional products according to respective requirements of living standards and lifestyle of populations.
At this place, each population having bartering activities to fulfill physical daily requirements by exchanging in terms of values. It is a non-money base program. It acts as a filtrate program for the recycling centre and the end outcomes of bartering system would go to recycling centre for income generations.
Targeted to: High/ Low standards population, outstationers, local families, urban poors, expates