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Lee Jian Hong


+6016 474 1295

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The Voyage

The Voyage is a short film created for my Final Major Project as a expression on the concept of infinity. For my personal interpretation, the concept of infinity would be revolve the belief of the process of cycle. Whether is the cycle of life, a metamorphosis, or the belief of re-incarnation, the constant flow of momentum that would resolve with the reset of the situation is what I personally belief that what infinity stands for. The story would revolve around the eagerness for adventure up to space, experiencing things that are outside of the comfort zone and live out personal dreams and aspiration.


STREETHOP is monthly publishing magazine created during my partake in the Intergrated Print Design course. The magazine focuses on the inside cultures of hip-hop music. Magazine viewers can experience the factors that makes hip-hop a widely accepted culture while also going into a deep dive on the local South-east asian hip-hop scene, bringing the underground towards the mainstream.

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APE MODE is a collectable trading card game created during my Portfolio subject. With an interest in collecting trading cards, the proposal of this project is to develop a set of trading cards in which reflect on the personal interests and strength within the illustration medium. The thematic for this set of trading cards would revolve around monkeys, in which I want to portray the designer embracing their wild side, letting their "inner-ape" flourish.

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