Green Eco Farm : The Future Concept of Indoor Farm
The chosen location, Odeon Cinema, is an area lacking natural trees. Since the area is a city, it is also very busy with vehicles. So, the area lacks fresh air. Additionally, the distance between cities and most farms makes access to fresh vegetables difficult. There are a lot of homeless people in this area. It has a great impact locally.
This project builds an urban indoor farm. In addition to developing new agricultural technologies. Providing fresh vegetables to nearby residents, cafes or restaurants can also reduce your carbon footprint. The farm also provides a part of the area for rent to residents of nearby high-rise buildings to grow vegetables. Indoor farms do not use pesticides, soil, or other chemical products to grow vegetables. Vegetables are mainly grown using filtered rainwater. The farm will offer work-for-food opportunities, invite homeless people to tend indoor gardens, and include training. They will be offered agricultural jobs on other farms in the long term. The circulating water tank system collects rainwater, filters it and provides it to farmland. This saves water.